Simple Steps To Help Your Business Improve Marketing And Engagement

Simple Steps To Help Your Business Improve Marketing And Engagement

Simple Steps To Help Your Business Improve Marketing And Engagement

Connecting meaningfully with customers requires ongoing refinement of marketing and outreach. Through small smart changes, companies can significantly strengthen brand affinity and engagement. Here are impactful yet achievable ways to enhance how your business engages its audience:

Refresh Or Retire Dated Content

Assess your website, blogs, videos, and social media with fresh eyes. Archive or update stale, irrelevant content that no longer engages while doubling down on evergreen topics still garnering traffic. Remember that Google updates its algorithm regularly and you don’t want to get left behind. Ensure content quality aligns with your brand’s evolution.

Seek Authentic Customer Stories

Seek Authentic Customer Stories

Raw, genuine customer stories and testimonials resonate far more than polished corporate language. Collect photos, interviews and videos sharing how real people’s lives have positively changed thanks to your product or service. Show you are listening.

Curate Your Online Assets

Audit your web properties and social media ensuring branding remains consistent across platforms. Delete dormant accounts while linking active touchpoints via branded themes, messaging, and visuals. Curated digital presences project professionalism and purpose.

Personalise Outbound Communications

Avoid overly generic outreach like mass newsletters. Add personal touches customising emails, social media and ads with recipient names, interests and browsing data. Dynamic personalised content converts substantially better than spray-and-pray tactics.

Attend Events To Meet Customers

Get face time engaging directly with your audience by attending industry conferences, forums, and community events. Shake hands, answer questions, and gather feedback in genuine conversations. Human moments build brands.

Pitch Creative Partnerships

Pitch Creative Partnerships

Brainstorm win-win partnerships with complementary brands enabling creative cross-promotion opportunities. For example, locally owned small businesses may collaborate on a shop local campaign. Explore options together.

Surprise And Delight Sometimes

Send customers occasional unexpected surprises or delights just because, like exclusive early access to new products or discounts on their purchase anniversary. Thoughtful surprises spark smiles, loyalty, and referrals.

Use Video To Explain What You Do

Consumers increasingly get information through online video. Create short video explainers communicating your mission, product benefits and company values clearly. Authentic custom videos break through noisy digital spaces. Explainer video production can make a massive difference. Digital Finch is a UK-based animation and video studio that specialises in animated explainer videos. They can help you to articulate your offering and how your customers can benefit from it.

Learn Why Customers Leave

Don’t avoid uncomfortable signals like decreased spending. Proactively reach out asking departing or inactive customers open-ended questions on why they disengaged. Listen closely for improvement areas. Even losses yield growth opportunities.

Feature Client Success Metrics

Feature Client Success Metrics

Quantify your impact through data like employee hours volunteered, customer pounds lost, or non-profit meals provided. Sharing specific outcome metrics demonstrates you deliver meaningful results improving lives.

Give Your Brand A Refresh

Reassess your logo, tagline, fonts, colours, and imagery through fresh eyes. Do they still represent your brand identity and energies? Strategic design updates without total overhauls keep engagement contemporary.

Share Your Company’s Backstory

Everyone loves an origin story. Showcase your founders’ inspirations and earliest days through a company history timeline or anniversary celebrations. When people know your roots, emotional connection strengthens.

Get To Know Your Online Community

Actively engage followers on social platforms through likes, comments, polls, and messaging. Provide value through previews, Q&As and exclusive offers. Build relationships beyond impersonal posts. Listen and participate.

Make A Content Roadmap

Plan educational content around themes and product releases well in advance versus reacting day-to-day. Cohesive evergreen content pillars like blogs, videos, and infographics engage audiences over time. Planning yields more purposeful content.

Collaborate With Influencers And Advocates

Collaborate With Influencers And Advocates

Work with influencers who authentically align with your brand values. Seek passionate customers already organically advocating for you as brand ambassadors. Advocates given recognition enrich digital spaces with authenticity.

Feature Team Members More

Getting to know the human faces behind businesses fosters familiarity. Let team members showcase skills and passions through photos, videos, testimonials, and by-lines. Personality generates more relatable brand connections.

Make Content Sharable

Craft snackable infographics, stats, quotes, and facepalm-funny content optimised for sharing on social media. Helpful, inspiring, or entertaining pieces get widely reposted when formats distribute easily. Make engaging visible.

Give Sneak Peeks

Spark excitement by giving customers exclusive previews of new offerings, limited-time sales, or upcoming initiatives. Early access makes people feel special while fuelling word-of-mouth buzz.

Appeal To Values And Emotions

Connect through motivational stories asking people to aspire to something greater than themselves. For example, a lot of people are actively looking for brands that prioritise sustainability. Appeal to universal human values surrounding community, family, and achievement. Emotional storytelling makes a memorable impact.

Track And Test Your Efforts

Use data from web analytics, sales funnels, promo codes and surveys to identify your most effective marketing and engagement channels. Double down on what converts while optimising weaker performers. Follow the data trail to fine-tune outreach.

In Summary

Improving how your business engages its community requires dedicating time to refresh branded touchpoints, embrace video and images, and focus on authentic interactions. Most importantly, consistently provide value through connections that feel personal, not self-promotional. Small thoughtful communication additions engage meaningfully.