Choosing the Right Furniture for Your New Restaurant

Choosing the Right Furniture for Your New Restaurant

Choosing the Right Furniture for Your New Restaurant

Choosing the right furniture for your new restaurant is an important decision, and it’s one that could impact your business in the long term. So, it’s important to give this aspect plenty of careful consideration to ensure you make the right choices for your business vision.

While the design and aesthetics may be the glamorous side of choosing restaurant furniture, other practical aspects can play a key role in the success of your venture.

Here are some of the less glamorous – yet equally important – things to consider when choosing furniture for your new restaurant.

Size & Profitability

Size & ProfitabilityAs a restaurant owner, you’ll know that the number of hcustomers you can accommodate has a big influence on your bottom line. While this is largely dictated by the size of your premises, there are ways to make sure the furniture you choose maximises the space available.

When choosing your new tables, for example, it can be helpful to think about what would be the ideal size for the table tops, given the space you have, along with the kind of atmosphere you want to create. For example, how much space do you want around each table? Do you want to create a buzzing, busy feeling with lots of diners close together? Or are you going for a more spacious and luxurious vibe?

Being clear on the type of restaurant experience you want to create can help you work out how many tables would be ideal, and what size those tables would be. When you know these numbers, you can then make some smart choices about your furniture that will support your business goals as well as your restaurant’s success.

Practicality & Durability

Once you’ve made your decisions about the ideal size and design of your restaurant furniture, it’s important to consider other practical aspects such as how easy they are to clean and how durable they’re likely to be.

Dining can be a messy experience! So you can expect to be constantly wiping down, vacuuming, and cleaning your restaurant furniture. This is why it’s important to consider just how practical the chairs, stools, furnishings, and tables will be when it comes to keeping them looking their best. Cream linen or crushed velvet may be a stunning decor option, but will they still look impressive when they’re marked with food and drink stains?

Another factor to consider is how durable the furniture is likely to be, especially with so much intensive use and such an intensive cleaning protocol. Making sure you opt for durable materials that will look good in the long term will serve as a sound investment in your new restaurant business.

The Linger Factor

The Linger FactorWhat type of dining experience fits best with your restaurant business plan? Are you wanting people in and out at a brisk pace to enable you to serve more covers per day? Or do you want diners to become so comfortable and happy in your venue that they linger for hours, ordering endless drinks and snacks?

Each of these restaurant motips for choosing fundels has a place, but you must be clear on which is the right one for your business when you’re choosing your furniture options. Indulgent, upholstered seating will encourage your diners to settle in and get comfortable. Whereas harder, functional seating – think fast food restaurants and bright cafes – will encourage a quicker dining experience.

The types of surfaces and fabrics used in restaurant furniture may seem like arbitrary choices, but these are often the result of many years of practical experience in the hospitality industry. This is why it can be beneficial to consult with specialist restaurant furniture suppliers, as they will have a wealth of knowledge about the options that will best fit with your plans for the dining experience you’re looking to create. They can also advise on the latest trends and the timeless classics, which can help you make the best long-term decisions for your restaurant, furnishing it with appealing options that will stand the test of time.

Setting up a new restaurant is an exciting time, and it can be exhilarating to bring to life a vision for a new venture, especially if it’s something you’ve been dreaming of for many years. It’s also a busy and demanding experience that requires a great many decisions and predictions. While you may be keen to get the Restaurant Furniture quandary checked off your extensive To Do list, taking some time to make the right choices for your business goals will ensure you make the wisest decision in the long run.