7 Tips For Managing A Remote Team

7 Tips For Managing A Remote Team

Remote working has benefits for businesses and employees at the same time. However, managing a team of remote workers can be slightly more challenging than doing so in person. While the skills you need are similar, you need to adjust to the remote environment. Find effective ways to communicate with your employees and take advantage of all the functions and features modern technology offers. Our tips for managing a remote team will help you lead your co-workers towards success and efficiently fulfil the business’s goals.

7 Tips For Managing A Remote Team

1. Set Clear Expectations To Avoid Any Misunderstandings

Set Clear Expectations To Avoid Any Misunderstandings

Managing a remote team requires having plenty of trust in the abilities of your co-workers. However, when you are onboarding a new team member, it is essential that you set clear expectations to avoid any misunderstandings. Talk to them about any deadlines they need to keep in mind. Ensure that they know what targets they need to meet every day and have access to all the files and tools they need to complete their work successfully. Explaining your expectations in the beginning, will help you  make the new team member fit in seamlessly  without any major issues.

2. Find Ways To Motivate Your Team

You must keep your co-workers motivated no matter how big your remote team is. When you welcome new employees to the team, make sure that they know how they might progress if they keep doing well. It is also important that you provide your team with continuous feedback. If they do a good job, then tell them so and praise them. On the other hand, if you notice that they need to improve, give them some useful tips that will help them grow and make the outcomes of their work better.

3. Keep Learning About The Industry And Management

Keep Learning About The Industry And Management

While managers need to know how to work with people and delegate workloads, they should also keep learning. University of Cape Town’s short management courses can help you improve your managerial skills and brush up on practices that will help you successfully manage a team and build teamwork in your field of work. As a manager, you should also keep learning about psychology. Understanding human nature can help you to find out what drives your employees and what would be the best way to motivate them to help them become as efficient as possible.

4. Stay In Touch With The Team And Communicate Clearly

To make sure that your team is on track with their work, it is important that you schedule regular check-ins. When you have a new team member, contact them often to see how they are getting on with the work and if they are having issues. However, it is just as important to check on the rest of the team who have been working with you for longer. That way, you can build trust, and your team members will be more likely to contact you anytime they have questions or need help.

5. Focus On The Outcome Of The Team’s Work

Focus On The Outcome Of The Team's Work

Another tip that can help you, as a manager, to make your team more efficient is to focus on the outcome of work rather than the process. While it is important to check up on the team, you should not suffocate them and have some trust in them. After all, they joined your team for a reason. Instead, inform them about what outcomes and goals they need to work towards. That way, they will feel more independent and will be able to put in place processes that have worked for them before. With freedom and trust, your team members will be able to become more efficient and work the way they know is the best for them.

6. Take Advantage Of Modern Technology

When people talk about remote working, they often mention not being able to see people in person as one of the downsides of such arrangements. However, modern trending technology allows remote teams to communicate and collaborate easily. You do not even need to travel to meet your clients anymore. Instead, you can arrange a video meeting. While you do not meet in person, you can still talk face-to-face. You can also use technology as a way of letting your team socialise. Give them a platform where they can chat during the day and ask others for advice when needed.

7. Mentor Your Team To Develop Their Skills

Mentor Your Team To Develop Their Skills

Of course, it is important that you delegate tasks to your team members and keep an eye on their performance. But it is also vital that you become their mentor and help them to improve. Provide your team with resources that will help them to develop their skills and, as a result, improve their performance and efficiency. While it might be difficult to include learning and teaching time in your schedule, make it clear to your co-workers that you are always open to chat and will be excited to answer any questions they may have.