What to Consider When Starting a Woodworking Business?

What to Consider When starting a Woodworking Business

For just about as long as human beings have been making things, they’ve been making them out of wood. Timber is a tremendously versatile, strong and sustainable material – and it can be beautiful, too. But it does take considerable skill to work with – which is why those who can deal with it are so highly prized.

If you’re considering a career in woodworking, then you might set out with a business of your own. So, what do you need to know before you get started?

What Services Can You Offer?

If you know how to work with timber, then you’ll be able to offer a whole range of business services. You’ll be able to build new items, and you’ll be able to repair existing ones. You might even offer workshops and tutorials and pass on your knowledge of the craft to other people.

You can make cabinets, you can weave baskets, and you can even create entire buildings. Most of the structures you come up with will be derivations of simple box structures – so provided that you can get your head around a few basic joints, you’ll be able to take on whatever projects your would-be customers are demanding.

What to Consider When Starting a Woodworking Business?


WorkshopIf you’re going to be spending most of your day dealing with wood, then you’ll need an appropriate work environment. This might be a unit that you’re renting, or it might be a converted garage. Make sure that the space is tidy and provides adequate ventilation.

Bear in mind that the smallest, least visible particles of sawdust are the most damaging – you’ll need to ensure that your ventilation system can suck them out. Or you can simply work as a mobile carpenter in the open air.

Logistics and Suppliers

Logistics and SuppliersAs a woodworker, you’re going to need a steady supply of timber at a price that will make your business profitable. This might be an exotic variety of wood for very small items – or it might be something widely available, like plywood. With the price of timber being as it is, finding a reliable supplier becomes doubly important. If the supply dries up, then so too will your business.

Finding your Audience and Marketing to them

Find your audiencesIf your customers don’t know about your small business, then they aren’t going to buy from you. To begin with, much of your marketing will come about through word-of-mouth. Start by selling small items to friends and family.

Make sure that you take advantage of social media and put the quality of your work first and foremost. If you’re making specialist items, then you might find that you’re able to set yourself apart from the crowd – which can make even very small carpentry businesses viable.