Top 10 Tricks To Make Your Homestay Incredible For All!


Travelling and migration are the two human activities that will never seem to stop especially in today’s times of increased scope of upliftment of individuals. A comfortable stay is what makes any individual wonder before they make another move ahead. A stay is one of the major expenses next to fuel and food for a traveller or even a migrant. There is a wide range of options available today for stays such as hotels, service apartments, motels, resorts, and the most trending homestays.

What is a homestay?

What is a Homestay

A homestay is a facility of lodging and hospitality where-in different types of homes or quarters are given up for rent or paid sharing to stay for a day or more during travel or settlement in a city. It might or might not have hotel-like facilities, but will surely give you a feeling of staying at home.

Nowadays homestays are available at almost all the tourist places and economically progressive destinations of the world.  It has played a vital role in getting the hospitality sector a step ahead and increasing the scope for any individual to pursue it as a calling in life. All you need to have is a good house with an extra bedroom or an idle property with an uninhabited house.

Thinking of going for a homestay? Here are the 10 most sure-shot tips that will make it worthwhile.

Top 10 Tricks To Make Your Homestay Incredible 

1. Go regional

Go Regional

It’s always a plus point when you get a touch of the language of the place. Here having a homestay will be an added benefit, staying with the host family will help you get a hang of the language so you can manage the basics in time of need. This will not just up-skill you for a foreign language, but also start off a bond with the host.

2. Be straight-forward

This is one thing to clear out with a homestay before finalizing. Inform the hosts about your special needs if any such as some amenities, cooking instructions, concerns if someone handicapped is accompanying you. This will give the hosts a chance to treat you better according to your likes and comforts. Who doesn’t love pampering and personalization?

3. Clear communication

Clear Communication

Assumptions many times can lead to chaos. To avoid conflicts at any time maintain the importance of communication about your activities clear to the host and vice versa. It will not just save time but keep your travel and stay smooth and in check. It will also help build trust with the host, so they can be there for you in times of emergency.

4. Get local

Your experience is incomplete if you don’t experience or are unaware of the different customs and rituals of the place you are travelling or shifting to. Doing research about the local culture is highly advisable. It will also thrill the host if you ask them about the different customs and rituals going on at the time of your stay. They will create a good impression of you.

5. Be approachable

When you are in a homestay where you share the same living space with the host, get social and comfortable, there are great chances of making new friends and getting an in-depth exposure to the culture and GOP of the city and the kind of population in the town. This will not just increase your bonding with the host but also create opportunities for outings at the place.

6. Feedback

Keep in touch with the intermediary through whom you found out about the stay, inform them about how your stay is going on from time to time, also don’t forget to give feedback and rating about the place. This will encourage the host to keep you for the next stay and also increase small business opportunities for them, leaving increasing goodwill, thanks to you.

7. Gratitude


Planning to make frequent visits to a particular visit? Or thinking of staying with the hosts for quite a long time? Then go ahead and present them with gestures of gratitude on arrival or at the end of the stay. It will spread a smile on your face. Getting a photograph together framed, giving some flowers or a memorable thoughtful knick-knack would do just fine.

8. Follow rules

Follow Rules

Being a place of hospitality and lodging, just like hotels even a homestay has certain rules and regulations that you must follow during your stay such as-in and out timings, different personal allowances, prohibitions and also food regulations. Keep the place clean by asking the experts for some cleaning tips, which too will show an all-new sense of discipline. When you follow the rules, you show respect to the household.

9. Keep in touch

Your relations if strong with the host, aren’t just until you stay with them, to experience the place at different times of the year, you can always go back. So, a food for thought is to keep in touch with the host family through any communication channel of your choice. They might invite you over for some famous festival or event you might wanna experience an all-different season.

10. Notify the hosts or take notes

If you are on a vacation and planning to go all-in on exploration, then you must inform the host about your plans of the journey, the timings, the places and the time span you will be out for etc. If there’s nothing on your mind and yet you want the best experience, then just ask the host and take proper notes of where all you wander and enjoy your holiday.

Final Words

These were a few tips to make your homestay larger than life. But, before any of this, it is a must to plan your entire trip and sit down and create a list of the best vacation rental apps and figure out where to stay when you go to the location. Shortlist a few and then go for the one that suits you and your budget. Happy holiday, remember not to overspend on the stay or even go too cheap!