10 Facebook Tips and Tutorials for WordPress Users

Facebook Tips and Tutorials for WordPress Users

Facebook is a famous and leading social media platform in the world. Users can easily access their Facebook page on their mobile and PCs. Hence, currently, it has 1.908 billion daily active users. On the other hand, new users have grown every month.

If you are a WordPress website owner, in this blog we provide some awesome Facebook tips and tutorials for improving your WordPress site.

Top 10 Facebook Tips and Tutorials for WordPress Users

  1. Make a Custom Facebook Feed in WordPress
  2. Add Facebook Open Graph Meta Records to WordPress
  3. Upload Facebook social sharing buttons to WordPress
  4. Add Your WooCommerce Store to Facebook
  5. Automatically post to Facebook from WordPress
  6. Setup Facebook Conversion Tracking in WordPress
  7. Embed Facebook Status Post in WordPress
  8. Display Your Facebook Timeline in WordPress
  9. Run a Facebook Giveaway in WordPress
  10. Embed a Facebook Video in WordPress

1. Make a Custom Facebook feed in WordPress

Make Custom Facebook Feed

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Creating a Facebook feed on your WordPress website exhibits posts from your Facebook groups and pages to increase your covenant. And it provides Facebook page updates to your customers and gets many followers. It is the best social proof for your visitors. Smash Balloon plugin can help your site to add a Facebook feed on the WP website.

2. Add Facebook Open Graph Meta Records to WordPress

Facebook Open Graph Meta Records

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The Open Graph metadata supports your content for sharing your site metadata on Facebook and other social media platforms. In this process, FB can automatically show your post title, description, and feature image while sharing your content. One of the best ways is you can use the AISEO plugin for adding open graph metadata for your site.

3. Upload Facebook Social Sharing Buttons to WordPress

If you will plan to target many online customers, then you can use this marketing strategy for your site. Sharing your post on social media profiles is the only way to reach more followers. So, you can use the shared Counts plugin for adding social sharing buttons.

4. Add your WooCommerce Store to Facebook

Woocommerce Store For WordPress

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If Installing a WooCommerce store, then it increases traffic to your website and does many sales activities. So, you can easily explore your product and get new ideas for your business. If anyone can buy your product from your online store, then you can easily manage your orders.

5. Automatically post to Facebook from WordPress

Uncanny Automator WordPress plugin helps with generating automated workflows without adding any programming code. So, Facebook is one of the best resources for increasing traffic to your site. By automatically sharing posts, it will increase your followers regularly.

6. Setup Facebook Conversion Tracking in WordPress

Facebook conversion tracking helps your business to watch how many users interact with a WordPress site.  It manages your subscriber newsletter, contact form, and so on. In another way, if you run Facebook ads, then you can easily set your conversion tracking and measure your campaigns.

7. Embed Facebook Status Post in WordPress

Embed Facebook Status Post in WordPressYour website visitors do not see your Facebook posts and status until they quit your website. So, you can embed your Facebook status in your WordPress site then you can fill the gap between your website visitors and your social followers. Embed Facebook status is the only way for your website engagement.

8. Display your Facebook Timeline in WordPress

Adding a Facebook timeline in WordPress can help your website visitors to follow your social media. If you have an active community on Facebook, then you can display your whole Facebook and other social media optimization on that timeline. Smash Balloon Custom Facebook Feed Pro plugin is the best option for displaying your Facebook timeline in WordPress.

9. Make a Facebook Giveaway in WordPress

Facebook GiveawayMaking a Facebook giveaway is one of the briskest ways to get more social subscribers and followers to your website. Because it encourages your real-time audience and helps their needs.

The raffle Press plugin helps to create a giveaway for your Facebook page in WordPress. It is one of the best giveaway contest plugins in WordPress Add on the market.

10. Embed a Facebook Video in WordPress

There are several free plugins available in the WordPress plugin store for embedding Facebook video content to your WordPress site. So you can easily add your product or your business-related videos.


We hope this blog helped you to learn some Facebook tips and WordPress plugins for improving your website.

Disclaimer: The screenshot images used in this blog post are picked from different websites. They are not owned by I Do Business. We have attached the source link, and the copyrights go to the respective website owners.